018: Money and Marketing with Brand Expert Mike Kim

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As you’re building your business, you should tie in branding and marketing together. But what does it take to create an authentic experience?

Today’s guest is Mike Kim and we discuss personal branding, marketing, and developing a positive relationship with money. 

Mike Kim focuses on online courses and teaching, personal branding, and copywriting. He has worked with notable clients such as John Maxwell, Donald Miller from StoryBrand, and leadership coach Suzanne Evans. 

You’ve probably heard so many people saying that content is king. But Mike stresses that while content is king, context is the kingdom. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why the messenger is more important than the message in the personal branding space
  • The 3 V’s of identity in building a brand
  • How copywriting makes you stand out in the personal brand space
  • Why content is king, but context is the kingdom
  • How Mike’s relationship with money has transformed
  • Profit decisions you need to make to live your best life in the best capacity

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