How Your Financial System Can Save Lives (as well as save you money)

financial planning, small business owners, small business, financial strategy, financial freedom, financial plan

Find out how small business owners (just like you) are living the dream by creating a strong financial plan.

Meet Karena Burgess — Financial Planning Rockstar

Anyone who knows Karena knows that she's passionate about health and wellness. She's built her business, Petra Bookkeeping Services, around helping small business owners in the health and wellness field. Using her methodical approach, business owners are able to climb out of debt, keep more of their income, and grow their business to match the vision that inspired them in the first place.

Professionally, Karena knows from experience that financial success is all about refining out the repetitive (yet essential) tasks that drive a business. Personally, she's seen how that kind of consistency can impact not only her bottom line, but give her the joy of making a real difference to the global issues she's passionate about.

We're so inspired by Karena's story and can't wait to share it with you. If you've ever wondered how much of an impact a financial system can really create, keep reading.

[Tweet “Did you know a strong financial system can help you save the world? @karena_burgess tells us how.”]

What does “having a strong financial base” mean to you?

Having a strong financial base means being able to do more than just pay the bills. It means you are able to set aside money for a rainy day.

[Tweet “Having a strong financial base means being able to do more than just pay the bills.”]

But more importantly, every person has a dream and personal desire, and mine is to help those who cannot help themselves. We are strong advocates as our company’s vision is to help take care of the widow, feed the orphans here in the US and abroad while advocating and financially supporting getting children out of the sex trade. That's what's important to us, but it's almost impossible to do without a strong financial base.

How did you feel about the financial planning side of your business when you first got started?

When I first got started with The Bottom Line, I was making money, but even though I had a great financial sense, I was still only paying the bills. My overhead costs were too high and I was spinning my wheels trying to get my costs down. It was overwhelming to have a growing  business but still lay down at night frustrated because your financial end isn't where you want it to be…even though you have the means already!

After working with The Bottom Line, my process was streamlined and I discovered that it was a matter of systemizing. Because of this assistance I am able to move forward, actually taking a salary and allowing me to work towards my vision of setting the captives free.

[Tweet “Streamlining + systemizing = achieving your vision. #TheBottomLine”]

What made you decide to get intentional about creating a financial plan for your business?

I needed to get intentional about my finances if I was going to meet the vision of my company, which is to take care of widows, feed orphans and help get children out of the sex trades. This year, we focused our intent on increasing the amount of kids rescued and orphans fed. We realized that moving at a snail’s pace and not focusing on making money with the business was actually hampering my ability to achieve our mission. Once I got intentional about my finances, we have been able to help rescue several kids while feeding over 100 orphans per month.

What do you find is the biggest money-related challenge facing people in the health and wellness niche?

One of the biggest challenges I see facing people in this niche is that they are often clueless about how much they make and the value of their services. (I mean that with all good intentions.) Jessica at The Bottom Line had to walk me through this process as well! I did not know the value I brought to the table nor that I could actually take a salary from my business.  Since working with The Bottom Line I've been able to help health and wellness professionals find their worth and financial clarity to reach their goal.

It's very rewarding to get text messages and emails from clients who didn't think they could go on a vacation and they send me pictures from across the globe, or from clients who were trapped by debt and then say they have paid off their credit cards. Helping health and wellness professionals turn their stress into profits is what we do. Adding value to someone's life in this way is priceless.

[Tweet “”Adding value to someone's life by turning their stress into profit is priceless.””]

What financial milestone are you proudest of?

I'm proud of feeding over 100 orphans per month and rescuing several other kids from the sex trade. That was all made possible because I got the business side of my finances together and took action.

[Tweet “”Feeding 100 orphans, rescuing kids from the sex trade–all from getting my finances together.””]

How has financial planning made your business more amazing this year?

I cannot say this enough or loud enough, but choosing to work with Jessica at The Bottom Line has been a life saver. She is so passionate and caring about what she does. Numerous times I found myself in a situation where the truth hurts, but Jessica actually encouraged me to do better and reach my potential. Jessica provides the type of accountability that is unmatched in this industry. As a result, I have been able to create MORE results for my clients as I continue to grow my business.

Want to find out how a financial plan can rock your world?
Click here to schedule a Discovery Session today!