If you have a limited liability company, an S Corp, a C Corp, a partnership, or anything that’s formal and a legal entity, you need to hold an annual meeting in your business and document certain things that have been decided.
079: How HSAs Benefit You Now and At Retirement
Can you make a deductible contribution to an HSA (Health Savings Account)? Will the distribution in the HSA be tax-free or penalty-free? In today’s episode, we’re sharing these two flowcharts which you can use as a tool to help determine if this is going to be the right path for you to implement for yourself personally, or in your business (for yourself and your employees).
Our Proven Process and Why Every Business Needs One
If you are struggling to scale your organization or you have a growing team and you need a manual that you don’t have to create, EOS’ proven process may just be what you need.
078: Topics to Discuss During Your Annual Shareholders Meeting
If you have a limited liability company, an S Corp, a C Corp, a partnership, or anything that’s formal and a legal entity, you need to hold an annual meeting in your business and document certain things that have been decided.
An EOS Journey with Kevin Rogers & Rachel Mazza
Have you ever gone to a team meeting where nothing gets accomplished? But what if you could change that by having the right accountability process in place?
077: Our Proven Process and Why Every Business Needs One
Do you have a proven process? If yes, do you have a visual form of your proven process? And does 20% of the process drive 80% of your results? If you answered no to any of these questions, then you must listen to today’s episode as we dive into our proven process here at The Bottom Line.
076: An EOS Journey with Kevin Rogers & Rachel Mazza
In this episode, Kevin Rogers and Rachel Mazza share their EOS journey and how, together, they have created a rocket-fueled business. With Kevin as the visionary of Copy Chief, and Rachel Mazza as the integrator, they have clearly defined their roles, allowing them to approach their business with clarity and accountability.
Common Retirement Plans for Small Business in 2022
Do you wish you could have educated yourself around retirement options and invested earlier in life? Well, it’s never too late.
Scheduling Your Success With Time Off In 2022
When was the last time you took a day off? It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to have the freedom, flexibility, and discretion to take time off whenever they want. A lot of entrepreneurs want that freedom but they never get around to taking it.
075: Common Retirement Plans for Small Businesses in 2022
If you still haven’t been planning for retirement, there’s no better time to start than now. Maybe you’re a spender and not a natural saver or maybe you’re too much of a saver and don’t spend money when you should.