As a business owner, you can’t just skip payroll conversations, and that includes the year-end 1099s.
038: How to Be a Great Boss in 2021
Successful companies have employees who are productive, engaged, and happy – and it starts at the top. In this episode, we talk about a great book, How To Be A Great Boss by Gino Wickman & Rene Boer.
Visionary and Integrator 411 Gift Exchange
There’s conflict between different personality types and characteristics. Now, as an owner, if you can put yourself in a role where you’re not always butting heads with other people in the team, but you’re in alignment and you’re actually doing what you’re supposed to do, you can make some serious momentum and power in the business.
037: Contractors and Prep for Year-End 1099s
As a business owner, you can’t just skip payroll conversations, and that includes the 1099s. Documentation and consistency will save you every time with the IRS because the burden of proof is always on the taxpayer.
Launching a Podcast with Danny Ozment
Did you know that the average podcast listener is subscribing to six shows?
036: Visionary and Integrator 411 Gift Exchange
Ever heard of an integrator role in a business? If you haven’t yet, or if you have but you still haven’t thought about hiring one, then at least consider listening to this episode. First off, this is way bigger than having a title. It’s not about titles, but it’s about what your function is to the whole.
Thanksmas 2020 Lays Foundation For 2021
Have you ever felt like you’re stretching yourself too thin during the holidays? We all know that can easily happen. How about merging Thanksgiving and Christmas and still be able to celebrate the best time of the year?
035: Launching a Podcast with Danny Ozment
Did you know the average podcast listener is subscribing to six shows? 93% of podcast listeners listen to more than half or all of an episode. And people listen to an average of 90 minutes of audio a day, most of which is a podcast.
Preparing for Year-End 2020 Payroll Early
When it comes to year-end payroll, it’s better to be early than late. And your payroll processor wants you to do this early as well.
034: Thanksmas 2020 Lays Foundation For 2021
In this episode, we want to share with you this yearly tradition that we do within our families and within our organization to celebrate the most important season of the year – Thanksmas!