A partnership is a two-way street, which means your clients also need to know how they can help you serve them better.
097: Direct Costs vs. Expenses & Why You Should Care About Knowing The Difference
The best profit decisions are happening with your time, energy, and money, which means more pay, play, and profit in your business and life.
096: How to Attract New Clients & Set The Right Expectations From The Start
A partnership is a two-way street, which means your clients also need to know how they can help you serve them better.
095: Using An Accountable Plan To Create Tax-Free Reimbursements
If you’re a small business owner with employees and you still don’t have an accountable plan, then now is the time to start thinking about it.
094: Adopting A Company 401k To Maximize Tax Savings With Guideline & Gusto
There’s no better time than now to understand what adopting a company 401k means.
093: 10 Common Bookkeeping Mistakes You Should Know & Understand
The health of your accounting and your books starts with the health of your chart of accounts. This is something you should absolutely know and understand.
092: Kingdom Life, Business, and Motherhood with Elizabeth Oschwald
Being a mom and an entrepreneur at the same time sure comes with a lot of struggles, and at times, self-doubt.
091: Using The Safe Harbor Method for Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments
Battling with some decisions and indecision related to cryptocurrency? We’re sharing what we know (so far) about the world of cryptocurrency.
2022 Cryptocurrency Basics & Tax Treatment
Relationships are still the key to keeping it all together when some things are not necessarily working at their optimum level.
090: Paying For Your SBA COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Battling with some decisions and indecision related to cryptocurrency? We’re sharing what we know (so far) about the world of cryptocurrency.