It’s almost Thanksgiving! It’s also a great time of year to understand what quarterly and annual planning should look like because, as an entrepreneur, you want to schedule your success and not lose traction.
The Tale of Two Desks & Their Meaning
As a visionary or an executive, you may get it in your head sometimes that you’re hiring people for yourself. However, you’re there as a leader for your people. Success depends on the growth of your leadership.
Gaining Momentum with Your Executive Assistant
As a visionary or an executive, you may get it in your head sometimes that you’re hiring people for yourself. However, you’re there as a leader for your people. Success depends on the growth of your leadership.
The Bottom Line Proudly Welcomes……
Profit Planners, meet The Bottom Line’s newest team member, Michelle. Welp, we’ve gone and picked another Leader of the Free World. And that’s cool and all… But here at The Bottom Line, we are honestly a lot more excited about someone else we’ve recently picked to join TBL’s team. Corporate Synergy, But For Real The team working…
Has Your Business Turned Into a Jenga Tower?
Everyone who knows me knows what a fan I am about systems, software and teamwork. Efficiency is definitely my personal jam; I think my passion for efficiency is one of the best skills I bring to my team. But I’ve come to realize that when it comes to efficiency, nothing can replace a genuine sense of purpose. There just simply…
Should You Hire in the New Year?
One of the biggest costs you can absorb when starting and growing your business is payroll. The learning curve on training someone is big, so if you’ve made the wrong hire, you’re going to have to start all over again with somebody else. The process gets expensive quick because you waste time and energy on all kinds…