What Your Business Wants for Christmas

holiday, business, preparation, christmas

A little end-of-year preparation for your business is all you need to enjoy your holidays stress-free… 

Buried deep in a family photo album, there's a snapshot of seven-year-old me on Christmas morning. Rumpled pajamas, frizzy hair, and a look on my face that blends insulted outrage with utter devastation.

The reason for this face lies in my lap. A beautiful Christmas box strapped with a huge bow, which has proved to contain…


Not even frilly ankle socks printed with Barbies or Disney princesses. No, these are industrial-strength tube socks, made of some itchy synthetic fiber designed to survive a nuclear holocaust.

I'd like to blame my outraged attitude (and the outburst that followed) on, you know, being seven years old. But honestly? I'd probably react the same way if it happened this year.

Preparing vs. Putting Off … Which Is More Stressful?

We all know that feeling: anticipating a gift you'd really love (or really need) from the people who know you best, only to end up feigning appreciation the next moment with your heart sinking and your mind screaming like a police siren “What were they thinking!?”

The only thing worse is when the person giving the lame/generic/disappointing present is you.

Okay, maybe you've got your whole giving list locked down this year.

But what kind of holiday gift are you giving to your business?

The good business owner inside you knows you should be planning for success in the upcoming year. But you're not even really sure what to do, or how long it's going to take!

So you try to forget about it and just enjoy the season. But the cold finger of reality keeps tapping on your shoulder in the midst of holiday merriment.

Ugh. This is not what the holidays are all about.

The Bottom Line

We want you to enjoy your holidays stress-free and be in great financial shape for the new year. That’s why we’ve put together this two-part blog series on holiday business preparation that will lift that burden off your shoulders.

We've outlined exactly what preparation your business needs at this time of year, and created a step-by-step list to help you get it done with no guesswork and minimal time spent.

Look for Part 1 later today, and Part 2 tomorrow.

Here's to a “no tube sock” holiday season, and setting ourselves up for success!