Leadership, in general, is under attack right now. And as a leader, it's time for you to start reimagining entrepreneurial success for longevity so you can continue to serve and make a difference in the world.

Craig Groeschel, a pastor, a dedicated leader, and author of the book, Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, came up with this training called How to Last in Ministry. In his presentation, he mentioned 10 essential points leaders should live by every single day.
- Pursue Jesus daily.
- Lead your family to love the church.
- Embrace the pain. It's part of the process.
- Be honest about where you are vulnerable.
- Pursue continual discomfort.
- Your body belongs to God, take care of it.
- Live and lead with financial margin.
- Avoid complaining, comparing, criticizing – spiritual poison.
- Always bet on the church and back it up with faith.
- When you think about quitting, think about why you started.
Translating Them Into Business: How to Reimagine Success for Longevity
It also makes sense that these things can be applied to today’s business leaders.
Pursuing Jesus Daily
It's important to live by the spiritual teachings every day, not just every Sunday. And just like in business, remember that you're serving. It's not about the workflow. It's not about getting things done and crossing them off your list. It's not about making the money. At the end of the day, it's all about serving.
Betting on Leadership and Backing It Up with Faith
Always bet on the business and back it up with faith because it's a gift you get to do this. Your business has its own trajectory so you've got to have faith in it even when you don't have as much faith in yourself. Just keep going all-in even when only 1% of the things you're doing are working.
Now, many of us may have this tendency to want to fix all at the same time, but doing all 10 is not practical. Maybe pick 3-4 areas that resonate with you and focus on those. Part of reimagining entrepreneurial success is understanding all the things you could do, but then getting incredibly intentional about what you should do.
If you want to learn more about achieving entrepreneurial success, check out 044: How to Reimagine Entrepreneurial Success for Longevity