online business, amazon seller, online retail, taxes, tax season

What Online Business Owners Should Know About DIYing Their Taxes

Tax Preparation

Is there anything quite like the power high of starting your own online business? Especially when things are going well, it’s just amazing to see your profits growing and think, “I did that?!” We’re all for enjoying the heck out of this power high. You’ve earned it—you should enjoy it! However, it does come with…

financial planning, discovery session, small business, strategy,

Two Reasons to Celebrate

Tax season is over and Discovery Sessions are now open! Guys. Guys! Tax season is OVER. This is us right now–feel free to join in: A huge congratulatory shoutout to all of you indomitable entrepreneurs and small business owners who toughed out another tax season… …and another shoutout to the doughty CPAs who helped their clients…

tax season, taxes, countdown, list

2016 Tax Season Countdown: March

If you have kids, you know that feeling. Maybe they came home grumpy from a bad day at school. Maybe they stormed in from playing outside with siblings or friends who were teasing them. Maybe they’ve been misbehaving and earned themselves a time-out. Whatever the reason, after the dust has settled, you find yourself creeping up the…

tax season, taxes, countdown, list

2016 Tax Season Countdown: February

Tax, Tax Preparation

Want a stress-free tax season? Here’s the stuff you need to do and when you need to do it.   My mom used to always grumble when Christmas advertisements showed up a week before Thanksgiving. “They’re ruining the holiday,” she said. I remember thinking Um, you’re crazy…who doesn’t want to think about Christmas as soon as possible?!…