We’ve Got a Secret…and It’s Going to Save You Money

wp engine, wordpress, web hosting

Want to get to the free stuff?
Scroll to the bottom of the post for a secret WP Engine freebie code!

You know that frustration when you make some changes to your website, click “Preview,” and wait…and wait…with lifetimes going by…until the page finally loads?

No matter what creative ideas you have to update and improve your online storefront, nothing kills your vibe like a slow-loading page. The time it takes to implement even small changes on your website will make you sigh “It's good enough” and move on with what's left of your day.

Here's the thing, though…

“It's good enough” may be good enough for you.

But what about your customers?

They're seeing the same thing as you.

And it could be turning them away from doing business with you.

As I've said so often before, if your potential customers can hit the back arrow faster than your site can load, it’s a problem.

[Tweet “If customers can hit the back arrow faster than your site can load, it’s a problem.”]

Believe it or not, The Bottom Line used to have this very same problem. But once we made the switch to WP Engine, we immediately noticed an uptick in the speed our site loads.

WP Engine lets us add all the cool, attention-grabbing features we want to our site and makes sure they pop up quickly (i.e., do their job) so that users stay engaged.

But speed isn't the only thing WP Engine has going for it. Here are just a few of the many reasons we love using WP Engine:


WP Engine guards against attacks from malware and buggy applications. (Plus they offer free repairs if something does get through their firewall to your site!)

Easy Maintenance:

Along with automatic software updates, WP Engine constantly takes snapshots of your website and is ready to restore the most current iteration if a problem arises.


WP Engine is engineered to work with WordPress, possibly the Internet's most adaptable framework for website building. Any time we want to make an improvement or change our design, WP Engine can grow along with us.


Yes, WP Engine costs a little more than some hosting packages. But it pays for itself with all the ways it helps us tier our content, work the affiliate sales angle, and build our list.

[Tweet “Security, adaptability, wallet-friendly…just a few of the many reasons we love WPEngine!”] 

Oh, and speaking of wallet-friendly…

We've got a special cheat code just for you to get 4 months free on annual WP Engine hosting plans! All you have to do is click here and enter the following code using arrows and letters on your computer keyboard:

Cheat Code: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a

*Hint* – be sure to keep the sound on and watch the magic happen at checkout!

[Tweet “Want to get 4 months free on WP Engine hosting? Click to find out how:”]

Remember, as an online business, your website is your storefront. That means it needs to be as inviting, efficient and safe as any downtown brick-and-mortar shop. So save the scrimping for where it doesn't matter, and let WP Engine help you make the most of your Internet space!