Setting Up Your Online Store – A Xero Guide

xero, online retailer, online business, small business, free guide

Happy Monday, Profit Planners!

Last month, our accounting software crush Xero reached out to Marilyn for a little help with creating a step-by-step guide for new online retailers.

As always, our fearless leader delivered the goods–a simple checklist for getting the bases covered, along with a 3-step process for deciding which format works best for you. (If you've ever wondered how the third-party retailer route stacks up against starting your own store or using an ecommerce platform such as ShopifyEtsy or BigCommerce, this guide has the answers!)

This guide turned out so good that we wanted to share it with you, as well!

[Tweet “Free stuff alert! A guide to setting up your online store, courtesy of @thebttmlinecpa and @xero”]

Whether you're a noob or a seasoned pro, the following guide will help you make sure you have a solid foundation for building your online retail empire.

Click HERE to get your free guide now.

xero, online retailer, online business, small business, free guide

One of the biggest issues in setting up your online store is–you guessed it–keeping track of the money. It's so easy to get swept away in how much you love your product, how much you love your customers, how much you love the fact that you get to spend your workday doing what you…wait for it…

This is the love that will power you through the challenges of small business life. And oh yes, there are challenges. (Did nobody tell you that?) But those challenges are much, much easier when you have a crackerjack accounting system to keep track of your numbers.

Xero organizes the daily jumble of your numbers into a beautifully simple story. It lets you see what happened from day to day, so you can make empowered, informed decisions about what should happen tomorrow.

And then you can go back to focusing on the looove part of your business.

We <3 you, Xero!

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(We knew you were.)
Click HERE learn more about why we choose Xero.